How to Lose Weight and Build Muscle At the Same Time


You ask yourself “how can I lose weight and build muscle?” Here you can find out how both work. So that you can get to your dream body quickly.

Losing weight and building muscle do not go together? – That’s not true.

You may have heard of the myth that losing weight and building muscle is just not possible at the same time. If you ask why you will usually get the following answer: Because both are completely different processes in your body.

Losing weight only works if you are in a calorie deficit of around 300 kcal. To build muscle, on the other hand, you need a calorie surplus of around 300 kcal.

It is logical that neither seems possible at the same time. Still, that’s only half the story.

When to lose weight and build muscle works

As an absolute beginner, you have a good chance of losing weight and building muscles at the same time. That’s because the training for your muscles is completely new. So your muscles react to this completely unfamiliar load by growing, even though you are on a low-calorie diet.

Strength training is always time well invested – regardless of whether you are building muscle or losing weight, beginner or advanced. The more muscle you have, the more energy you consume. Even when you sit relaxed on the couch. This means that your muscles help you in the long term about fat decrease.

But be careful! Most of all, when you lose body fat and build muscle, your body composition changes. You don’t necessarily see this difference on the scales. So your weight can stay as it was before or even increase. But don’t panic! Better orient yourself to your reflection in the mirror! You will see that you are slimmer now. And suddenly the old jeans fit again!

If you’ve taken a long break from training, you can also build muscle and lose fat at the same time. There can be various reasons for your time off. An injury, a change in everyday life, or other priorities. But now you can start again with full power! Depending on the length of your break, you will return to your old shape after a whileBe patient Your body has to adjust to the stress again. As a motivation: This also has a positive effect on your ratio of muscle mass and body fat.

Another factor is the general starting position. The higher the body fat percentage, the easier it is to build more muscle and lose weight at the same time. This also works in a calorie deficit. Because fat serves as an energy store! This gives you enough strength to build new muscles and with the right diet, you can also lose fat quickly.

As an advanced user with a medium to low body fat percentage, it is not possible to reduce fat and gain muscle mass at the same time. The reason: Your muscles now grow much more slowly than at the beginning. D u have not enough energy reserves in the form of fat in order to continue to build muscle in the deficit. So decide on one thing. If you want to build more muscle, you need a calorie surplus. If fat reduction is your top priority, a calorie deficit is a solution. A new training plan can also help you build muscle mass. Because your body has to adapt to the new load.


The best solution to build muscle and reduce fat

Thus decrease and build muscle at the same time work , you need a balanced training and nutrition plan . In addition, balanced meals so that your muscles get everything they need for a healthy development. In between, there may also be a few tasty fitness snacks for the soul.

In short: To lose weight and train your muscles in a healthy way, three things are important:

  1. Propernutrition.It provides you with new energy and proteins.
  2. The recovery period between your workouts. Your body needs these in order to build up and recover.
  3. The right training. This ensures that your muscles get a growth stimulus. In combination with proper nutrition and periods of recovery, you build muscle mass.

Which training is the best for you to lose weight and build muscles?

Endurance training in the form of high-intensity interval training is well suited for the goal of losing fat and building muscles. Training forms such as HIITTabata, or circuit training strongly stimulate your muscles and fat burning and also ensure the afterburn effect. This means that your body will continue to burn more calories for hours after your workout.


What do you need to eat to build muscle and lose fat?

The timing and the right food are particularly important if you want to enhance weight loss and muscle. Foods that make long enough, you help to eat less without hunger.

In order to achieve your goals of losing weight and building muscle at the same time, you need a nutrition plan that is perfectly tailored to your training. Well-balanced meals are a must. But what exactly does balanced mean? Quite simply, every meal includes:

  • Proteins from poultry, low-fat quark, legumes, or tofu, for example.
  • Carbohydrates from rice, potatoes, whole grain products or oatmeal
  • Healthy fats from plants such as olives, nuts or avocado and animal fat from fish
  • a serving of vegetables for important vitamins



  • Losing weight and building muscle is the easiest way for beginners.
  • For advanced users, losing weight and building muscle is far more difficult.
  • Strength training and strength endurance training are suitable for losing weight and building muscles.
  • Training forms such as HIIT, Tabata, and circuit training as well as an active lifestyle are very helpful.
  • Building muscle will help you lose weight more easily in the long run.
  • Muscles are built up through proteins and new training stimuli.